Who We Are

The UTS Photography Society (UTS PhotoSoc) is an affiliated organisation of ActivateUTS.

We are a welcoming community of enthusiasts, amateur, and professional photographers. We run photo walks, workshops, competitions, exhibitions, and other fun social events.

We also run a jobs service which allows our members to gain valuable experience in paid jobs shooting under our brand.

You do not need to be highly experienced or own high-spec equipment to join our society. If you have any device with a camera (like your smartphone), you’re more than welcome to join!

Membership is $10 per year for UTS students. To join, sign up on the Activate UTS website.

UTS PhotoSoc members are encouraged to join and post questions and photos on either our Facebook discussion page or Members group regarding events. However, please read the group guidelines to make sure you are following the rules. Any offensive content will be removed immediately.